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Sainsbury Archive Logo
Consists of nineteen cards displaying the price per pack and/or the price by weight for a variety of Sainsbury's products including bacon, cheese, butter, poultry and game, preserves, canned fruits, and potted meats.

Includes cards issued on 30 July 1923, 4 February 1924, 5 January 1925, 12 July 1926, 20 Jan 1930, 3 November 1930, 18 January 1932, 9 January 1933, 19 March 1934, 25 June 1934, 21 January 1935, 25 February 1935, 6 January 1036, 1 January 1937, 25 January 1937, 17 January 1938, 23 January 1939, 12 February 1940 and 16 December 1940.