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17 pages of colour slides probably used for presentations at conferences.
Subjects include: JS Results 1986/1987; Fresh Food at JS; Building Better Business; Modern Technology in Retailing; Movement in Real Personal Disposable Income; Pictures of senior management and John Davan and David Sainsbury; History of Building JS stores; Branch computers and scanning.

13 Black and white copies of slides circa 1970/1971 giving total capital expenditure, profits and costs, turnover trends, comparisons with other retailers, turnover 1966-1971, profit before taxation as percentage of turnover 1966-1971, operating costs as percentage of turnover 1968-1971, numbers of shops 1938-1971, breakdown of turnover 1966-1971, supermarket sales area 1961-1971, size of shop by year of opening 1966-1971.