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Lord Alan's speeches - General:

G28 6.5.1964 Agricultural Central Co-operative Association - 'Marketing of Farm Produce.'

G29 13.5.1964 Central London Fabian Society - 'Competition In Retailing.'

G30 3.6.1964 Ely's Staff Dinner - General History of J.S.

G31 21.7.1964 Ministry of Education National Course for Teachers - 'Retail Distribution.'

G32 25.9.1964 Lunch - Secretaries Club - 'Retailing and its Importance in the Economy.'

G33 3.11.1964 Adwomen Luncheon - 'The Sainsbury Story.'

G34 9.12.1964 International Poultry Show Dinner

G35 19.3.1965 Eastern Counties Farmers

G36 1.4.1965 Industrial Co-Partnership Association lunch - 'The Customer: The Third Partner.'

G37 18.5.65 L.S.E. Seminar - 'J.S. Ltd. - 10 Years On.'

G38 21.5.1965 Cambridge Productivity Association - 'Trends in Food Marketing and Consumption.'

G38a 1965 CIES 6th General Assembly.