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Lord Sainsbury KG speeches - general speeches:

27.4.1973 Senior Manager's Meeting, Dulwich. Extracts from the Chairman's Address.

29.5.1973 Veteran's Speech.

26.9.1973 SMI Conference

12.6.1974 British Institute of Management, 'Marketing in the Seventies.'

28.4.1975 I.G.D Convention, 'The Challenge of Confidence.'

2.7.1975 J Sainsbury plc, Annual General Meeting, 1975.

28.10.1975 I.G.D. Conference, summing up by Lord Sainsbury

3.12.1975 Open Day - JS Laboratories.

16.5.1977 CIES, 'Efficient Company Management and Chief Executive Authority in an Era of Increasing Employee Participation.'

10.11.1977 Common Agricultural Policy Speech, Gloucester Hotel

15.9.1978 J Bibby & Son Ltd Centenary Dinner.

30.10.1978 Poultry Conference.

5.11.1979 Presidential Address at the Annual Poultry Industry Conference.

?.4.1980 Plunkett Foundation

2.7.1980 J Sainsbury plc, Annual General Meeting.

20.9.1980 Speech to the 20 Club, 'Post War Food Retailing - an International Comparison.' Also includes correspondence prior to and after, the speech.

4.11.1980 MLC Conference, Heathrow Hotel