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  • Night Drive to Derby 02

    Five nights a week J.S. vans head out from Blackfriars towards distant branches. Earliest away
    is the Derby van, which leaves at 3 a.m. for the Midlands. Five and a half hours later it is due at
    Derby, and it says a great deal...

  • Factory Six Take Cup 08

    Asbary and Dickinson desperately Office section goal. Lappage repels
    defend the Factory goal, an attack.
    Factory Six take Cup
    Last Good Friday saw the Factory team win the Sainsbury Cup in the
    annual six-a-side tournament....

  • Kept Cold 11

    The quick-frozen
    vegetable industry believes
    that the best way to
    get good vegetables is
    to start by helping
    the grower. Here is an
    agricultural specialist
    from the freezing
    company inspecting a
    crop of peas. Advice...

  • Down Memory Lane 16

    Down Memory Lane
    "We're four poor Italianos from fair Italy,
    Rallentando, agitato, crescendo.
    We've come to this country for to make £.s.d.
    Rallentando, agitato, crescendo."
    So sang this concert team at Lavington Street...

  • Served Hot 16

    Served Hot
    Here are a few suggestions for serving the less
    widely known varieties of frozen vegetables,
    compiled by Mrs. J. Glazier, of J.S. Sampling Kitchen
    Broad Beans
    Try Broad Beans with a cheese or parsley sauce.

  • Socials and Dances 17

    Leicester's Dinner/Dan C G was held at the Victory Hotel on February 18th,
    and there was a fine turn-out for it. Visitors included Mr. Hedges, Area Superintendent, in the centre
    of the group...

  • Bottled by Accident 21

    Bottled by Accident
    Angling and divinity led to the discovery of bottled beer Everybody knows that beer can be preserved indefinitely
    in bottles, provided you can resist the
    temptation to open them, but most people would...

  • Preparing for Emidec 22

    Preparing for Emidec
    The J.S. Computer, an Emidec 1100, will be at Blackfriars in early summer To safeguard its complex
    construction an electronic
    computer must "live" in ideal
    surroundings, exactly controlled
    temperature and...

  • Chrysanthemums for Cut Flowers 24

    Joseph Reid Johnson
    Mr. H. G. Brown writes about
    for cut flowers
    The average gardener can, without a lot of trouble,
    grow chrysanthemums to supply the home with cut
    flowers at least equal to or even better...

  • Calling members of all clubs 26

    Calling members of all clubs
    Want to be a secretary ? Read on . . . .
    If the secretary writes a letter it's too long
    If he sends a post card it's too short
    If he issues a bulletin he's a spendthrift
    If he attends a committee...

  • Congratulations 26

    Congratulations to Miss R. Phillips and Mr. L. Jobson,
    of Haverhill, who were married on February 4th at
    SS. Peter and Paul Church, Kedington.
    Congratulations to Miss Wendy Wilson and
    Mr. Charles Arend, both...

  • Cup Winners 1921-22 26

    Cup Winners 1921-22
    Our photograph comes from Mr. H. Breckon, who was
    Manager of our Dorking branch when he retired in 1959.
    During the early 'twenties he worked in the Croydon area.
    The picture, which establishes that "J"...

  • Movements and Promotions 27

    Movements and Promotions
    To Assistant Manager
    G. E. MILNE from Southbourne to
    40 Years' Service
    Congratulations to the following members of the staff who
    have completed forty years' service with the firm.

  • Obituaries 27

    We regret to record the death of the following colleagues
    and send our deepest sympathy to their relatives.
    Mr. G. M a y h e w , who joined J. S.
    in 1919 as poulterer at Southall. He
    was later regraded to salesman,...

  • Contents Page 28

    SERIES No. A 79
    Page 2
    Night Drive to Derby
    Page 8
    Factory Six Take Cup
    Page 11
    Kept Cold
    Page 16
    Served Hot
    Page 17
    Socials and Dances
    Page 21
    Bottled by Accident
    Page 22
    Preparing for Emidec
    Page 24
    Chrysanthemums for...

  • Sainsbury's Magazine for every woman Family 28

    J. S. first again
    Sainsbury's Magazine for every woman
    On September 18th the first .number of a new women's quarterly
    magazine will be published. It is called FAMILY—Sainsbury's
    magazine for every woman. It will be...