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Labels for an Italian wine.
Labels for an Italian red wine, bottled by A.V.U.R. S.p.A., Osimo, Italy.
Labels for an Italian dry red wine, bottled by Fratelli Pasqua S.P.A. 37100, Verona, Italy.
Labelled on back "Proof, 29/12/86[?]"
Image included in 'JS Journal' April 1981, p.6.
The picture probably shows the proposed layout for an advertising photograph - it was shot on instant film so it seems very unlikely to be the...
Labels for an Italian dry red wine bottled by Tenuta Ca' Bolani Acta Spa, 33052 Cervignano del Friuli, Italy.
Labels for an Italian dry red wine, bottled by casa vinicola Cav. Pietto Sartori S.p.A., 37024 Negrat in Valpolicella (VR), Italy.
Labels for an Italian dry white wine bottled by Vidipi S.P.A. Visna, Italy.
Labels for an Italian medium sweet sparkling rosé wine bottled by I.V.I. Spa Canelli (Asti), Italy.
Labels for an Italian sparkling sweet white wine bottled by Casa Vinicola C.V.A.S. S.p.A. - 56/CN, 12058 S. Stefano Belbo, Cuneo, Italy.
Labels for an Italian dry white wine.
Labels for an Italian dry white wine, bottled by CDC SpA, Monte Porzio Catone, Italy.
Labels for an Italian dry white wine bottled by Marchesi L.e P. Antinori S.p.A. - Firenze at s. Casciano V.P. (382/F I), Italy. The label is possibly...
Labels for a Italian dry white wine bottled by Cantinecorrado CFS SpA, 37036, S Martino BA, Italy.