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Packaging Design Files




Working Lives

23 results

Long Read

A Family Business

When, in 1869, a young couple of set up a small dairy shop in a small property they rented on London’s Drury Lane, no one could have predicted that this would go on to become a nation-wide retailer, known to families right across the country.

Long Read

Store Design

From the 1890s onwards, Sainsbury's new shops shared a common 'house style' with long shape, tiled walls and marble-topped counters.

Long Read

Changes to the High Street

The market streets were the ideal location to trade from and the surrounding businesses complimented the sale of Sainsbury’s goods.

Long Read

Women at Work

During the 19th century, shop keeping was generally regarded as an unsuitable job for women, not least because of the long working hours and heavy lifting it entailed. However, it was both common and acceptable for female family members to work in smaller shops.

Long Read

Wartime Trading

Before the First World War, over 75% of the butter, cheese, eggs and bacon consumed in the UK came from overseas. The outbreak of war brought an urgent need to cut down on imports to save foreign currency, and to reallocate shipping to the war effort. Food shortages therefore became a serious issue.

Long Read

Christmas Display

In the weeks before Christmas, the old-style counter service branches would have window displays of seasonal products like mincemeat, Christmas puds and dried fruit. Poultry and ham displays at Sainsbury’s were famous. Enjoy this festive read from everyone at the Sainsbury archive.

Long Read

Happy Birthday Sainsbury's

We look back at the 150 year history of one of Britain's biggest retail firms.

Long Read

Evolution of Packaging

The early range of fresh provisions sold by Sainsbury’s was weighed and wrapped individually, and any packaging was simple.

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Art at Sainsbury's

Many branches have included public artworks as a prominent feature in their design, from murals and mosaics to concrete hippos. Discover more and see images of them here.

Long Read

Butter and Margarine

Butter was one of just three products sold in the first Sainsbury's store, and remained a key product during Sainsbury's development into a national chain. We look here at the history of butter, margarine and spreads at Sainsbury's.

Long Read


Sainsbury's were a leader in the development of self-service supermarkets in Britain after the Second World War.

Long Read

The Story of Savacentre

A look back at a chain of pioneering hypermarkets which sold Sainsbury’s food and much more besides.

Long Read

Sainsbury's in SE1

A look back to Sainsbury's headquarters, factory and training school in SE1.

Long Read

Time for a Cuppa

A look back at evolution of one of Sainsbury's first own brand products and the nation's favourite - tea.

Long Read

Remembering Mr J.D.

We take a look at the career of Sainsbury’s former chairman and chief executive John Davan Sainsbury, Lord Sainsbury of Preston Candover KG.

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Staff Registers

The Archive has digitized a large quantity of staff registers compiled between the 1890s and 1929, containing information about thousands of Sainsbury’s employees. Find out more here.

Long Read

The Story of Homebase

The first Homebase store opened in Croydon in 1981. We tell the story of this former Sainsbury's subsidiary here.

Long Read

'JS Journal'

The magazine ‘JS Journal’ contains a wealth of information about Sainsbury’s and its staff spanning eight decades. Find out more about its contents and how to access them digitally here.

Long Read

The Birth of the Barcode

Look back at the evolution of barcodes which revolutionised retail and brought massive technological advances to our everyday lives.

Long Read

Home Delivery

Although home delivery of supermarket shopping may seem like a recent innovation, Sainsbury’s has a long history of supplying goods directly to customers’ front doors. This story delivers the details, from the days of horse-drawn carts to the internet age.