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Sugar and Spice...

Sugar and Spice...

And all things nice. We take a quick look at the changes of our spice packaging.

The earliest spice packaging we have in the collection is this glass jar from the 1920s with a cork top, which contained mixed spice.

By the 1930s the glass jar had been replaced by metal tins.

During the Second World War half labels were introduced in order to save paper, and the 'Selsa' Sainsbury's brand had been introduced.

After the war Sainsbury's returned to full paper labels on metal tins.

Following the introduction of self-service shopping in the 1950s, Sainsbury's introduced a new aesthetic, using Albertus type font. The first cardboard spice packet made an appearance here too.

The 1960s and 70s saw simple, bright packaging designs as the small pots are redesigned in Sainsbury's 'Own Label' style. And we see the introduction of plastic pots.

In the 1980s we see the addition of illustrations of the herbs and spices.

Then in the 1990s we go full circle, back to a small glass bottle.