Norwich (6 Haymarket)
- Code: P/1101
- Dates: 1913-03/07/1965
- Epithet: Sainsbury's Branch
- Address: 6 Haymarket, Norwich , Norfolk

The floor and counters are almost entirely covered with displays of fresh meat and poultry, butter, eggs and advertisements for ordering Christmas...

Formal group photograph. Correspondence from the branch file between Sainsbury's archivists and customer who lent a photograph for the archive to copy...

Newspaper advertisement for Brentwood, Cambridge, Chelmsford, Colchester, Ipswich, Norwich and Romford branches. Published in the East Anglian Times.

Newspaper advert from The Eastern Weekly Press in letter form regarding references to the "Undesirability of spending money with branch shops of a...

Newspaper advert from the Eastern Evening News, October 24th 1913 for new store. Headed in capitals 'Now Open'. Includes text: ' The Great House for...

'A Suggestion for a Christmas Hamper' advert, 19th December, 1913. 'J. Sainsbury's Provision Stores. A Suggestion for a Christmas Hamper. Includes...
![SA/MARK/ADV/1/1/1/1/1/6/1/185 - Newspaper notice 'Apology regarding recent Open Days at the [Norwich] store', 1913](
Newspaper notice headed 'Apology! ( bold capitals and underlined). J. Sainsbury regrets the inconvenience caused to many of his patrons during the...

Newspaper advert from The Eastern Evening News, 20th February, 1914. 'J.Sainsbury's Provision Stores. For years and years and years grocers have...

Newspaper advert from The Eastern Daily Press 1915. 'All Food Is Not Dear! J. Sainsbury's The Largest and Best Equipped Stores in the Country, make...

Newspaper advert from The Eastern Daily Press, Wednesday 3rd February 1915. 'The Finest Butter Substitute Ever Made. J. Sainsbury's Crelos ...

Newspaper advert from The Eastern Daily Press, 9th May 1914 and also appeared in The Eastern Evening News, 8th May 1914. 'It Pays to Buy and Sell...

Newspaper advert from The Eastern Daily Press, also The Eastern Evening News, 2nd July, 1914. 'Don't be Troubled with Fires in the House!...

Newspaper advert from The Eastern Daily Press and also The Eastern Evening News, 9th July, 1914. 'Sainsburys for the Most Appetising & Delicious...

Newspaper advert from The Eastern Daily Press, 27th October 1914. 'J. Sainsbury's Provision Stores for Freshness. Daily arrivals in each department....

Newspaper advert from The Eastern Daily Press, 12th November 1914. 'J. Sainsbury begs to thank the residents of Norwich and surrounding Districts...

Newspaper advert from The Eastern Daily Press, 25th November, 1914. 'J. Sainsbury's Special Christmas Gift! A highly finished coloured War Plate,...

The price list covers the full range of Sainsbury's products, i.e. meat, poultry and game, groceries and provisions. It is hard to see any order in...

Newspaper advertisement for branches at Romford, Brentwood, Chelmsford, Colchester, Ipswich, Norwich, and Cambridge. Published in the East Anglian...

Newspaper advertisement covering branches at Romford, Brentwood, Chelmsford, Colchester, Ipswich, Norwich, Cambridge. Published in the East Anglian...

Small newspaper news item from Eastern Weekly Press, 8th November, 1913. Text: 'Sainsbury's - The reputation which J. Sainsbury enjoys as a purveyor...

Newspaper advert for store opening, 18th October, 1913.' It will interest you to know J. Sainsbury will Open his New Premises 6, Haymarket, Norwich,...

Newspaper advert, 1st November, 1913. 'J.Sainsbury's Stores, 6, Haymarket, Norwich. A Guide to Our Coupon System. Perhaps an apology is due to many of...

Newspaper advert, 23rd October, 1913. Includes text: 'Exhibition of Food. J. Sainsbury Presents his Compliments and respectfully invites the honour of...

Newspaper advert from The Eastern Evening News or Daily Press, 24th January, 1914. 'J. Sainsbury's Provision Stores, 6, Haymarket, Norwich. It will...

Newspaper advert from The Eastern Evening News, 13th February, 1914. 'J. Sainsbury's Provision Stores. For the Finest British Refined Sugar, None...

Newspaper advert from The Eastern Evening News, 6th March, 1914. Headed in capitals - 'No Advance! In Butter Prices, Best salt still 1/2 per lb. J....

Newspaper advertisement for Brentwood, Cambridge, Chelmsford, Colchester, Ipswich, Norwich and Romford branches. Published in the East Anglian Daily...

Newspaper advertisement for Christmas fruit at Romford, Brentwood, Chelmsford, Colchester, Ipswich, Norwich and Cambridge branches including a...

Advert from Fletcher's Norwich Almanac, 1915. 'Norwich Branch £1/1/0 - 12 months 1915. J. Sainsbury's Peat - Smoked Bacon. Has no equal for...

Advert from Princess Street Congregational Church Magazine, 1915. 'For the Finest Quality Provisions, J. Sainsbury, 6, Haymarket, Norwich. Weekly...

Newspaper advert from The Eastern Evening News, 18th June, 1914 also The Eastern Daily Press, 19th June, 1914. 'J.Sainsbury's Provision Stores are...

Newspaper advert from The Eastern Daily Press and The Eastern Evening News, 31st July, 1914. 'No Advance! in Butter Prices, best salt still 1/2 per...

Newspaper advert from The Eastern Evening News 17th September 1914, and The Eastern Daily Press 18th September 1914. 'J.Sainsbury's Provision Stores....

Newspaper advert from The Eastern Evening News 21st October 1914, and The Eastern Daily Press 22nd October 1914. 'Twelve Months After!! ...

Newspaper advert from The Eastern Daily Press, 23rd October 1914. 'J. Sainsbury, 6, Haymarket, Norwich. Telephone 235. Are you quite satisfied with...

Newspaper advertisement for Brentwood, Cambridge, Chelmsford, Colchester, Ipswich, Norwich and Romford branches. Published in the East Anglian Times.

Newspaper advert for store opening, from The Eastern Evening Press, 23rd October, 1913. Includes text: 'Exhibition of Food! J.Sainsbury Presents his...

Newspaper advert from The Eastern Evening News, 6th February, 1914. Headed - 'Have you had a Present yet?' ( bold capitals). 'Every Package of...

Newspaper advertisement for Christmas ranges at Romford, Brentwood, Chelmsford, Colchester, Ipswich, Norwich and Cambridge. Published in the East...

Newspaper advert from The Eastern Daily Press, 7th January, 1915. 'The Finest Winter Beverage in the World is Sainsbury's Pure Soluble Cocoa, 1/6...
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