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Issues of the 'Daily Bulletin Produce' for 1987 which were sent from Branch Administration at head office to branch managers and produce managers in Sainsbury's stores as a daily update (except Sundays and Mondays) on matters affecting the produce (fresh fruit and vegetables) department in Sainsbury's stores.

This included an update on the current supply situation for products sold in the department with details of products which were in short supply including data from depots on the stock they had available and explanation of issues affecting certain products. There is also information such as the layout of promotional tables for that week, current promotions, new and discontinued products.

These Daily Bulletins mainly cover the day-to-day trading updates and information on actions which needed to to be taken that day. Other announcements including changes and reminders of policy and more significant developments which required a more detailed explanation were generally included instead in a 'Special Bulletin' which related to one specific topic (see SA/BRA/3/1/2/2). The issues of the 'Special Bulletin Produce' are numbered as part of the same sequence as the 'Daily Bulletin Produce' from 1/87 to 267/87.