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Training video for the computerised branch ordering system Branch Ordering System 2. It was intended for use in conjunction with the workbook "BOS 2 - Learn About It!".

The video was intended for trainee managers, section managers, management who were new to Sainsbury's, and trainee buyers. It covered the concept of BOS 2, BOS 2 adjustment, BOS 2 commodities, BOS 2 lines, commodity advice reports (C.A.R.), and weekly routine. The case has a pale blue cover with darker blue writing.

The system helped to ensure that stores ordered the right level of stock. The video portrays the BOS II computer giving a tour of the system to a retail trainee manager and a trainee buyer, and explaining how it works and what they need to do.

Includes still images of printouts from the BOS 2 system, screenshots from the system, and products. See also Special Bulletin Management Team 16/89 which refers to this video and explains that all trainee managers and new BOS2 users must see the video..

Sainsbury's reference JSV 27. Duration: 16 minutes. Produced for J. Sainsbury plc Retail Training Department (C) 1988. Produced by Purchasepoint, London.