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Rectangular plastic security card and rectangular cardboard business card encased in a heat-sealed plastic sleeve. The sleeve is attached to an imitation leather strap.

The front of the security card has two raised inscriptions on it, 'MR O RANDELL' and 'SAMPLE CARD ONLY'. The front also contains the name of a company in white lettering, 'EftPos UK Limited' which is repeated in rows against a blue background. The front also features the company's logo, a geometic design in yellow and blue.

The front of the business card has 'J Sainsbury plc' and the address of its head office printed in grey and blue lettering. The front also contains the name and job position of Oliver Randell, 'Oliver Randell Point of Projects Project Manager'.

Oliver Randell supervised the installation of Sainsbury's first computer checkouts at their store at 3 Broadfield Barton, Broadfield, Crawley in 1979.