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Unedited video footage of part of Sainsbury’s Senior Management Seminar titled "Customer’s First Choice" held at the Park Lane Hotel, London. The seminar related to the introduction of a new strategy which they hoped would lead to the company being the customer’s first choice of supermarket.

1. Open discussion in the room introduced by Dino Adriano to discuss any other points which delegates wished to raise. Discusses how attendees will follow-up on the exercises etc and the plans for implementation of the strategy.
2. (03:05) Concluding presentation by Tom Vyner. Discusses: negotiations in progress to purchase two new stores in Devon, summarises what they discussed in the seminar and what they need to do next to take forward the strategy, how it needs to be linked to staff objectives.
3. (18:34) Brief interviews with two attendees giving their thoughts about the seminar and the strategy.

Duration: 21 minutes.