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Video which appears to have been made for a Sainsbury’s store managers conference “The 1990s Challenge”. The video is divided into four programmes, each is presented by staff from Sainsbury's area offices, in the style of a news programme. The programmes give advice on various areas of best practice in stores to serve customers better and to ensure stores operate efficiently and avoid losses.

1. “JS Tomorrow’s Service” programme about customer service with M.W. Broomfield (Area Director – South Eastern), Steve Walker (Training Officer), Vivienne Laws (Area Training Manager). Discusses a wide variety of aspects of customer service eg helpful and friendly staff, ensuring car parks are tidy, scanning technology, ensuring shelves are fully stocked, shelf edge labelling. Includes footage of customers being served at checkouts; store exterior and car park; Coffee Shop [Derby Kingsway?]; petrol station; shelf edge labels; delicatessen counter.
2. (10:40) “JS Reports. Merchandising” programme with D.W. Smith (Area Director – Northern), Paul Johnson (Area Training Manager), Jane Jones (Deputy Area Training Manager). Discusses issues relating to availability. Includes footage filmed in stores including bakery, pie display, fresh fruit and vegetables department.
3. (18:55) “JS Tomorrow’s Systems” programme with J.R. Phillipson (Area Director – Eastern), Shirley Carling (Area Training Manager), John McAvoy (System Support Manager). Discusses technology; pricing errors; computerized labour scheduling; stock ordering related issues and System 25. Includes footage filmed in stores; staff checking shelf edge labels; checkouts; staff in store office.
4. (26:55) “JS Reports. Stock Results” programme with R.P. Whitbread (Area Director – South Western), Mark Bunyan (Training Officer), Jackie Ward (Deputy Area Training Manager). Discusses stock losses; avoiding losses at checkouts; managing stock in the store. Footage from a store includes checkouts; store room; stock reception area.

Duration: 35 minutes.