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Video comprised of clips of interviews with Sainsbury's branch managers giving their views on what the company needs to do to be more successful, sometimes in a fairly critical manner. Includes text onscreen giving titles and questions from "Jasmine", an unseen interviewer:
0.05: "Great Expectations Video"
0.11: "Jasmine: "What are the burning issues they felt needed to be addressed?"
1.40: "Jasmine: What initiatives do they want to see developed in the future?"
2.45: "Jasmine: What are their concerns for the future?"
4.25: "The Challenge of Change Video"
4:33: "Jasmine: "How successful do they think the Business Transformation Programme is going to be?"
6.25: "Jasmine: "What do they need to be even more successful?"
8:03: "Excellence and Best Practice Video"

The exact purpose of video is unclear, but one of the interviewees at 0.43 says "it's very important that we use the opportunity of the conference to look in detail at the new store manager's role". It may have possibly been used in the store managers' conference in March 2002 (see 'JS Journal' April 2002, p.11).