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Staff video providing a report “The Environment: Challenge and Opportunity” on the Sainsbury’s group’s progress on environmental issues. The video is presented by Howard Stableford (television presenter).

The video contains the following parts:
1. Introduction – about the environment report.
2. Energy – where energy is used in stores; monitoring of energy use with ‘RealMT’ computer system.
3. Air quality – free car emissions testing at Sainsbury’s petrol stations; vapour recovery systems in Sainsbury’s petrol pumps; introduction of Sainsbury’s City Diesel; public transport access to Sainsbury's stores.
4. Waste – survey into waste from Sainsbury’s stores; issues of landfill; removal of unnecessary packaging and use of recyclable packaging; reduction in thickness of plastic carrier bags; ‘Penny Back’ scheme to encourage customers to reuse carrier bags; use of ‘universal distribution crate’.
5. Timber – Sainsbury’s/Homebase participating in World Wide Fund for Nature’s (WWF) 95 Plus Group to ensure Homebase’s timber is sustainably sourced; sustainable charcoal.
6. Integrated crop management – pesticide reduction; crop diversity.
7. Conclusion – importance of environmental policies and how there is much still to do.

Footage is included of: the environment report on Sainsbury’s website; air conditioning and refrigeration plant in a store (Horsham?); the ‘RealMT’ computer system; a Sainsbury’s petrol station; emissions testing; City Diesel; Camberley store exterior with bus; public transport facilities and cycle racks; a depot/factory using universal distribution crates; a timber processing factory with Homebase products; timber and charcoal in a Homebase store; visiting a grower; fruit and vegetables department in a store; retrieving an abandoned Savacentre trolley and a carrier bag stuck on barbed wire.

The video features various Sainsbury’s employees and others working with the company: Ken Spurway (Deputy Manager, Horsham store); Ian Williamson (Senior Manager, Store Investment Planning); Alison Austin (Senior Manager, Environmental Management); Ian Coull (Property Director); James McKechnie (Consultant); Martin Webb (Director, Procurement); Justin Stead (95 Plus Group Manager, WWF); Greg Waters (Product Manager, Homebase); David Mason (Managing Director, F W Mason and Sons); Bob Hilborn (Head of Primary Agriculture); and David Sainsbury (Chairman). An article about the report and video is included in 'JS Journal' October 1996, p.5.

Duration: 15 minutes. Produced by Venture for Environmental Management Department, J Sainsbury.