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Newsletter for staff at Sainsbury's Buntingford depot.

“Depot to Tackle Green Issues” - creation of an environmental awareness committee to review environmental issues within the depot.
“Sponsorship &Community involvement” - details of sponsored bed push from Royston to Buntingford, Charity Gala, school sponsorship, charity donation to Addenbrookes hospital and winners of sponsored slim competition.
“Turning in on Stock” - details of new radio frequency computer system to control stock movements within the depot
“Gatehouse Register” - new computerised vehicle movement system within the depot.
“Planning for Future Needs” - introduction of TOPS Transport Operations Planning System within the depot
“Mercy Trio Battle Through To ~War Zone” - details of three depot staff who drove to Yugoslavia to deliver supplies to victims of the war in Croatia.”
“Give your family a chance to see where you work” - details of plan to allow family members to tour depot
“Steep learning curve foe Griffin” - details of depot football team’s season
“The car that Ian built” - details of the purchase of a hand built car by a depot staff member
“Health and Safety at work” - aiming for continuous improvement in the six new Safety at Work Regulations: Health and Safety Management; Work Equipment Safety; Manual Handling of Loads; Work Place Conditions; Personal Protective Clothing; Display Screen Equipment.
“Retirements” - details of 24 retirees
“25 Years Service” - details of 27 staff members achieving 25 years service
“New Faces” - introduction of two new members of depot staff