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Recording (described on the label as a ‘radio role play’) which discusses Sainsbury’s mint sauce labelled as containing “fresh garden mint”. The discussion covers both the use of the word “fresh” (as the mint is pickled in vinegar) and the word “garden” (as the mint is grown on a larger scale). This was caused by a comment from Professor [? Stefan Buczacki] describing at misleading. Michael Morgan is arguing the case for Sainsbury’s with an unidentified other man (who seems to be playing the role of a radio interviewer).

This is essentially an audio recording - the video is dark and shows two men speaking in one corner of the screen.

It seems probable that this is not an actual radio discussion (as it’s referred to as a ‘role play’) – it may instead have been recorded for media training purposes for Sainsbury’s staff.

Duration: 10 minutes.