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Cash book containing details of various transactions in one of Sainsbury's head office bank accounts, such as salaries and bonuses for staff, dividend payments, and contributions to the staff welfare scheme. On each folio (double page) the debits ("To...") are listed on the left hand page and the credits ("By...") are listed on the right hand page.

Typical debit transactions include:
Payments from various companies Van den Berghs, Jurgens, Huntley and Palmers, and Crawford.
Transfers from current account
Interest payments
Staff Welfare Scheme payments

Typical credit transactions include:
Bonuses (with surname and name of branch for each manager)
Bonuses to officials (with surname)
Bonuses to butchers (with surname)
Payments to named individuals or companies such as H. Lanham (the company secretary)
Income tax payments
Dividend payments
Transfers to other bank accounts
'Christmas boxes' (Christmas bonus payments to staff, includes surname and initials or department)
Diamond Jubilee bonuses to staff
'Cheque book'
Special payments to named staff (eg payments in lieu of notice)
Staff Welfare Scheme payments
Payments relating to Thoroughgoods (chain of stores acquired by Sainsbury's) including wages