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Private journal containing details of various transactions including transfers between different ledger accounts. As a 'private journal' it contains information on transactions which would have been considered particularly confidential to the business (such as information relating to the value of dividend payments). Most of the transactions are of a high value. The transactions are arranged chronologically. Debits in the left hand column are balanced by credits to one or more other accounts in the right hand column.

It includes transactions relating to matters such as:
The setting up of J. Sainsbury Ltd as a limited company in November 1922, including information on the share capital put into the business and the transfer of accounts, assets and liabilities to the newly established company.
Tax payments and tax reserve certificates
Loan accounts (mainly with members of the Sainsbury family), including interest payments
Appropriation of the profit and loss account to various accounts, including for dividend payments
The issuing of new shares in the company
Loans, investments and debts etc with other companies (mainly relating to the establishment of Haverhill Meat Products Ltd, which initially appears to have been called Lablands Ltd, as a joint venture with Canada Packers Ltd)

Cross-references to other accounts are included:
number only: private ledgers
A: (A series of depot private ledgers)
PCB: (private cash book?)
PL: (private ledgers?)