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Video (including unedited footage used for the video) entitled "Sainsbury's. Quality perfect, Prices lower: A history of Sainsbury's told by customers and employees past and present". The video was produced by Jackie Moran for Sainsbury's Archives and is 16 minutes long (approximate).

The video used several interviews of Sainsbury's veterans (retired staff), current staff, and customers. Due to the length of the video and the large number of interviewees featured only short 'soundbites' from each interview are used - the original interviews are much longer and contain more information. Most of these interviews used in the video were recorded from about 1995 to 1998 as part of a programme to build up an archive of video footage of veterans recollections (see SA/HIS/1/2). Some audio recordings from the Sainsbury's archive were also used in the video.

The video also features images from the Sainsbury's archive and a short section filmed at Watford Grammar School for Boys where the pupils discuss the Sainsbury's of the future.

The video is presented by Bridget Williams (Sainsbury's company historian). It was for internal use in the company (for example to use at veterans events and store anniversaries) and was not broadcast.

See also SA/HIS/1/2 for many of the interviews used in this video.