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Short films released online to tie in with Sainsbury's Responsibility message and 'Our Values make us different' and 'Value of values' ('#valueofvalues) campaigns. Digital accession in MP4 film format.

Film titles:
'Abra-can-dabra' (reduced packaging on tinned foods)
'Bee Hotel' (nesting sites for bees)
'Bobbing for Red Noses' (Comic Relief)
'Bounce' (sport and Active Kids)
'Cage Free' (cage free eggs)
'Fair Play' (Fair Trade)
'Fish Diploma' (sustainable and MSC fish)
'Flour Power' (locally sourced flour)
'Food Stack' (surplus food to local communities)
'Footprints' (reducing carbon footprint)
'Fruit Bingo' (basic range fruit and vegetables)
'Going Bananas' (Fair Trade bananas)
'Less is more' (reducing salt in own brand products)
'Little Beans' (Fair Trade coffee)
'Loo-k out' (smaller roll toilet paper)
'Magical Forest'
'Moo' (British milk)
'My Hero' (sustainable palm oil)
'O'fishal' (prawn suppliers)
'Rain drops' (rain water for store's toilet and carwash)
'Say Cheese' (British milk in cheddar cheese)
'Sport Relief' (Sport Relief sponsorship)
'The Power' (biofuel)