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January: cheque acceptance policy in shops including Sainsbury's, food prices

February: retail planning and the appointment of Timothy Sainsbury to the Retail Planning Unit's steering group, date stamping of food, egg production, results of the survey into the Press Digest, food price rises

March: increase in bread prices, price cuts announced by retailers prior to the introduction of VAT, meat consumption

April: meat prices, proposed butter subsidy, product identification coding, turkey sales, prices

May: opening of Sainsbury's Bretton store in Peterborough, Sainsbury's modernisation programme and new shops, retail prices, fringe of town superstores

June: cash and carry wholesaling, hypermarkets/superstores and planning policy, food prices

July: Sainsbury's successful flotation on the stock market, EEC wine tariffs being eliminated, clean plucked poultry, Sainsbury's new trolleys with special baskets to carry babies [in response to baby-snatching incidents - at the time it was common practice for babies to be left unattended outside shops in pushchairs], Sainsbury's planning application to convert its factory at Paris Gardens into offices had been approved [Rennie House], Sainsbury's new Hitchin and Wood Green supermarkets

August: John Sainsbury's [later Lord Sainsbury of Preston Candover] criticism of government policy on prices and the Price Commission, wheat stocks predicted to fall to critical level, milk subsidy

September: preservatives in canned meat alleged to cause cancer, prices and government price controls

October: rising food prices and price controls, introduction of clothes at Sainsbury's new Telford store, tariffs on food imported from outside the Common Market

November: Home Office report on shoplifting, Sainsbury's financial performance

December: food prices, raw materials shortage threat to food output