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Folder of papers for a press reception on 8 April 1980 including papers given to the press and information for the hosts of the reception. Journalists from various national newspapers and magazines attended the reception.

The folder contains:
"Breakfasts for special diets", document listing suggested breakfast menus for people on special diets: gluten free, hyperactive children, slimmers, and low cholesterol
"Sainsbury's cereal specials", recipes using Sainsbury's breakfast cereals
Memorandum about this pack for the hosts of the reception
Schedule for the hosts of the reception
"Q and A [questions and answers] for breakfast reception for all hosts", response to question of why Sainsbury's is holding the reception
Guest list for reception
"Sainsbury's "Own Label" Breakfast Foods" price list and product notes for breakfast foods, 31 Mar 1980
"Lifestyle breakfasts for the 1980's", document giving various ideas for breakfasts - for 'breakfast on the run', 'work-a-day breakfasts' and 'Sunday specials'
"Breakfast at Sainsbury's" document about breakfast products available at Sainsbury's
"A History of Breakfasts", document giving a short history of breakfasts