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Recording of a Sainsbury's Business Television programme for Sainsbury's staff (mainly store management teams) focussing on Christmas. It was broadcast on 2 December 2003 by satellite to Sainsbury's stores, depots and offices.

The programme features Jon Hartland (Retail Operations Director - Western Zone) looking at the key issues for stores in the run up to Christmas for the week commencing Monday 1 December. It was filmed at Fulham Broadway store.

Includes: thanks to the trading, supply chain and marketing teams for their work which will help for Christmas; importance of beers, wines and spirits (BWS) department - ensuring shelves are fully stocked, promoting BWS offers on the 'tannoy' (public address system); not to lose sales of items such as ready meals and hot desserts which are popular in winter; general merchandise (non-food products) - special offers, encouraging staff to buy, DVDs; importance of customer service - reviewing schedules; planning for Boxing Day and New Years Day sales; importance of clearing stock, replenishment - warehouse is key; being dynamic with planning - priorities for each day; and list of special offers. Footage of product displays of ready meals, DVDs and CDs is included.

Duration: 8 minutes 30 seconds.