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Recording of a Sainsbury's Business Television programme for Sainsbury's staff (mainly store management teams) focussing on Christmas. It was broadcast on 16 December 2003 by satellite to Sainsbury's stores, depots and offices.

The programme features Adam Fowle (Retail Director) looking at the key issues in the run up to Christmas for the week commencing Monday 15 December. It was filmed at Meole Brace Retail Park, Shrewsbury branch. Includes footage of store exterior, product displays and staff at work.

Discusses: importance of supply chain and warehouses keeping products on shelves to meet demands of shoppers who do not regularly shop at Sainsbury's but are "trading up" for Christmas; checkout service; welcoming Holborn Business Centre staff helping in branches; thanks all staff in a difficult year. Ends with scrolling list of special offers and text reading "Thanks to Warlingham, Fulham Broadway, Sevenoaks and Shrewsbury stores for assisting in the production of the Christmas business television programmes."

Duration: 4 minutes 5 seconds. Production company: Cantos.