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'Sainsbury's bring you the best peaches by leaving them on the tree' advertisement proof, c. 1990s with strapline 'Sainsbury's. As good as...
Colour advertisement (newspaper or magazine) for Sainsbury's nectarines explaining its history and the source.
Two copies stamped on back by Design Studio Progressing and Services Dept., signed as approved by K. Brackenborough and dated 10/6/77
Stamped on back by Publicity Dept., signed as approved by K. Brackenborough and dated 7.2.73. "Background colours of Juice not deep enough." written...
Stamped on back by Publicity Dept., signed as approved by K. Brackenborough and dated 7.2.73
One copy stamped on back by Design Studio Progressing and Services Dept., signed as approved by K. Brackenborough and dated 22/7/76
Two other copies labelled "Outturn, Orange for peaches too pale (compare with transparency), otherwise O.K., [signed] P.Hill[?] 11/8/72".