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'Luscious Fruits from Kentish Gardens advert, c. 1936. Includes prices for Blackberries; Blackcurrants; Loganberries; Raspberries; Gooseberries;...
One copy stamped on back by Sainsbury's Design Studio, signed as approved by K. Brackenborough and dated 13[?]/9/79
Negative number W. 201. Photographer: [Dennis] T[revor] Waller. Designer: Colin Horne. File number 27 (number crossed out).
Finished artwork by 'Hawke' for Ogilvy & Mather Ltd [advertising agency]. Date received 2 February 1970. This is a photograph of the product which has...
Four copies stamped on back by Design Studio Progressing and Services Dept., signed as approved by K. Brackenborough and dated 18/11/74
Leaflet promoting Sainsbury's 'Basket' range of canned fruits including price list and suggestions of dishes which could be made using these fruits.
A note states "Sent to branches on 8.10.26. Trade slow. Finished on 30.10.26". Includes prices for special offers on Afternoon Tea Biscuits, Finest...
Large flyer promoting the grocery department and special offers on plums, Carolina rice, and cooking rice.
Newspaper advertisement published in the Luton News.
The Decimal Shop was an existing branch that was replanned to provide opportunities for staff training, enable organised visits from groups of...
Advertising card with offer on 'Large Californian Plums'.
Leaflet with recipe for 'Sainsbury's Special Recipe Xmas Pudding" and a price list of Christmas fruits (raisins, currants, sultanas and plums for...