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Memorandum from S.J.A. Biddlescombe (Branch Productivity Services Department) to Mr S. Burke (Business Economic Section) responding to a request for the figures in average pence per item for all items sold in Periods 10 to 13 of 1973/74.

The figures are split into five categories of branch (using branch size: 4000-6000, 6000-8000, 8000-10000, 10000-15000, and over 15000 square foot) and it also indicates how many branches there were in each category (for example there were four branches of 4000-6000 sq ft).

Attached is a handwritten note which give the total number of items and the total turnover for each of those five branch categories. Perhaps the figures on this note might have been used to calculate the average figures on the memorandum.