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Television commercial (30 seconds) promoting an offer in which Sainsbury's Reward Vouchers (vouchers issued as part of the Sainsbury's Reward Card loyalty card scheme) are worth up to double the value when used at various shops and restaurants. The commercial seems to be part of the "Value to Shout About" advertising campaign.

The commercial depicts John Cleese (comedian/actor) visiting a Sainsbury's store where 'Helen' (played by Emma Kennedy) a member of staff tells him about the offer of using Sainsbury's Reward Vouchers at various high street shops and restaurants. He then drives down Guildford High Street [close to the Sainsbury's store, though the store isn't shown] in a Morris Minor car with loudspeakers on the roof announcing the offer to the public.

There is a slightly different version of the commercial for Northern Ireland - the graphic showing logos of the companies which accepted Reward Vouchers is different, with the logos of companies which did not operate in Northern Ireland being removed.

Advertising agency AMV/BBDO (reference AMV/SARW451/030).