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Video about the launch of the Nectar loyalty card scheme. Most of the video appears to be aimed at staff in all the participating companies (Sainsbury's, Barclaycard, Debenhams and BP), but the final part of the video (starting at 06:03) presented [Sainsbury's] assistant managing director Sara Weller appears to be specific to Sainsbury’s staff.

The video contains:
1. Introduction.
2. Brief description of each of the partners in the scheme (Sainsbury’s, Debenhams, BP and Barclaycard). Footage relating to each of the companies is included – eg a Sainsbury’s lorry, a Sainsbury’s store exterior [Pepper Hill], customers and staff in a store is included.
3. Explanation of the rewards and benefits of the scheme.
4. Explanation of the ‘customer journey’ on how they would use the card. Footage includes Greenwich store car park and exterior; another store exterior; customer using Nectar card and collecting vouchers at a Sainsbury’s store checkout.
5. Information on the launch of the scheme. Footage includes cards being printed.
6. Sara Weller (Assistant Managing Director) talks about the launch of Nectar at Sainsbury’s.

Duration: 7 minutes. ‘SP’ logo at end possibly refers to the production company [Special Productions?].