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Two videos containing footage of several small exhibitions and presentations relating to technology at the Sainsbury's store managers' conference held at the Celtic Manor resort in Newport, Wales in March 2003. It is unclear how the videos were intended to be used.

Much of the discussion is difficult to hear or has not been included in its entirety but the footage includes various Sainsbury's staff members speaking to camera about "cash managements and process change", demonstrating a new REPOS (Replatforming Electronic Point of Sale) checkout system, and explaining Chip and PIN payment technology. The end of the videos show retail change director Jon Hartland addressing delegates at the beginning of a session called "What's going on in store?" relating to technology changes.

Duration: 8 minutes 40 seconds (SA/CO/12/5/10/1/1) and 25 minutes (SA/CO/12/5/10/1/2).