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'JS Veterans News', April/May 1993

Apr 1993

Magazine (12 pages) for JS Veterans (retired staff). Contents: “Never too late to learn” - item from the Veterans Chairman on the U3A “Tuesday Club” - further activities of the...


'JS Veterans News', April/May 1993

'JS Veterans News', July 1993

Jul 1993

Magazine (8 pages) for JS Veterans (retired staff). Contents: “Chairman’s Report” - Veterans Chairman reports on 1992/93 “Holiday Offers” - a Veterans trip to Cyprus “News from Norwich”...


'JS Veterans News', July 1993

'JS Veterans News', August/September 1993

Aug 1993

Magazine (6 pages) for JS Veterans (retired staff). Contents: “Coasting Along” - report of some of the Veterans summer day trips in 1993 “Busy Spooning” - story of the hobby of making Welsh...


'JS Veterans News', August/September 1993