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Cash book containing details of transactions in Sainsbury's bank account with London City & Midland Bank, Blackfriars Road (this appears to be referred to as the No 2 account). On each folio (double page) the debits ("To...") are listed on the left hand page and the credits ("By...") are listed on the right hand page.

There is a change in the content of the cash book from 1 April 1913, although it still relates to the same bank account (as is shown by the balance of £2752 2s 1d being carried forward between these two financial years). Up to that point the cash book contains a limited number of transactions as detailed below. From April 1913, the cash book contains details of transactions mainly with utility companies, local authorities, named individuals (including some members of the Sainsbury family), and insurance companies. The details of these transactions is limited to the date, name of the company/person, cross-reference to another account book, and the value of the transaction - no description is included.

Typical debit transactions (money coming in) up to the end of March 1913 include:

Typical credit transactions (money going out) up to the end of March 1913 include:
Petty Cash
JS No. 1 a/c (or J.S. No. 1 County)
Per Rent Cash Book fo[lio]. 47 [and other folio numbers]
J.S. Kensington [and other named branches]
Cheque Books

Cross-references are included to other account books (the majority of references are to the depot private ledgers):
number only: Depot private 1edgers
CB: (possibly refers to another cash book?)
PL: Private Ledger