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Kitchens & by-products ledger, 1951-53


Ledger containing accounts for kitchens and by-products (the Sainsbury's factory at Blackfriars). The figures are given in a double entry bookkeeping format (the debit figures balance with the credit...


Kitchens & by-products ledger, 1951-53

E8 Kitchens and by products ledger, 1953-56


Ledger containing accounts for kitchens and by-products (the Sainsbury's factory at Blackfriars). The figures are given in a double entry bookkeeping format (the debit figures balance with the credit...


E8 Kitchens and by products ledger, 1953-56

E8 Kitchens and by products ledger, 1957-60


Ledger containing accounts for kitchens and by-products (the Sainsbury's factory at Blackfriars). The figures are given in a double entry bookkeeping format (the debit figures balance with the credit...


E8 Kitchens and by products ledger, 1957-60