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Index to slides held by Sainsbury's Visual Communications Unit. Includes images of branch exteriors/interiors; awards; logos; advertising; sponsored events; transport; products; staff; Savacentre branches; Homebase branches.

The images each have a reference beginning with A, followed by a number, then a letter and a number (eg A 1 D6). This is identical to the references written on the slides. The slides from the Picture Library all appear to have been dispersed throughout the Sainsbury Archive and can be found in many of the image files.

The index is in a ring binder file numbered 9 on the side.

The file indexes slides with the following references:
A 1 - store exteriors
A 12 - store interiors
A 14, A 15 - [advertising/public relations/miscellaneous?]
A 17 - [products]
A 20 - landscape shots [exteriors of stores]
A 25 - distribution
A 30 - staff
A 8 - Savacentre
A 9 - Homebase