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3 results

Channel 4 'Food File' video recording including footage of shopping in Sainsbury's

11 Mar 1992

Footage of family shopping in Sainsbury's to obtain foods for an alternative Mediterranean style diet. Also discussion of hydrogenation in food manufacture and general issue of healthier eating. This...


Channel 4 'Food File' video recording including footage of shopping in Sainsbury's

BBC1 'That's Life' video recording about a foreign object found in a product

25 Apr 1992

Broadcast on BBC1. Item about a piece of dental floss found in a Sainsbury's hot-cross bun and compensation paid. 5 mins (on longer tape). This video has not been digitized so the contents of it have...


BBC1 'That's Life' video recording about a foreign object found in a product

'Checkout 92' video recording about store location and environmental issues

22 Sep 1992

Store location and environmental issues. Mostly Tesco, md Golden Hill protestors, but also a brief interview with Sainsbury's Development Director Ian Coull and ref to Dogkennel Hill, Dulwich. 15...


'Checkout 92' video recording about store location and environmental issues