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Document containing questions and answers on various food issues, with attached covering memorandum which explains this document was approved for use at the Annual General Meeting.

It covers a wide variety of issues:
Safety and health issues: aluminium, aluminium foil, blue ear disease, boving spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), BSE and animal feeds, bovine somatotropin (BST), chemical residues in farmed salmon, clenbuterol, cling film, EC legislation, Food Safety Act, free range products, genetic engineering, Goodman Group of Ireland, irradiation, mechanically recovered meat (MRM), microwave ovens, nitrates, nutritional labelling, organic products, pesticides, pesticide labelling, potatoes/greening, preservatives in bread, product life labelling, pure orange juice, salmonella, sales through third parties, sugar, time temperature indicators (TTIs), vegetarian products

Animal welfare issues: animal testing, battery farming, general, hormones, growth promoters and antibiotics, tuna

Alcohol issues: alcohol sales, low alcohol drinks