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  • Contents Page 02

    J.S. JOURNAL JUNE 1956 Mr. JOHN Alan J. Sainsbury JOHN BENJAMIN SAINSBURY F. W. Salisbury T H E " G U V N O R " F. R. Parker A TREMENDOUS DRIVING FORCE W. C. Gurr THE "GREAT MAN" C. A. Colmer AN I N S P I R I N G...

  • Mr. John 03

    A SON is perhaps too close to be the most fitting person to pay tribute to his father, so in this special Memorial Number of the J.S. JOURNAL, it has been left to others to tell of Mr. John; and a vivid and lovable picture they...

  • Mr. J. B. Sainsbury 04

    From a photograph taken in 1942.

  • Mrs. J. B. Sainsbury 05

    From a photograph taken in 1919.

  • Mr. John at Stamford House 06

    Mr. John at Stamford House, Blackfriars, in 1949.

  • John Benjamin Sainsbury 07

    1871 - 1956 F. W. S A L I S B U R Y Director and Assistant General Manager THE eldest of six brothers, Mr. John was the first of them to come into the business and the last to leave it ; everything that can be said about...

  • The "Guvnor" 21

    Manager of the Building and Engineering Division MR. JOHN was undoubtedly the most remarkable man that I have met and I feel honoured at being allowed to write a few words about him. It is difficult to think of anyone who...

  • A Tremendous Driving Force 27

    formerly Warehouse and Transport Manager Joined J.S. ipio, Retired ipfj WHAT do 1 remember of Mr. John ? What made men who worked with him and grew up with him, learn to love and respect him as a man ? How did he appeal to...

  • The "Great Man" 32

    of the General Managers' Office MY first recollections of Mr. John go back to the early days of World War I when I commenced working in the Stock Office as it was known then. This was situated immediately outside Mr. John's...

  • An Inspiring Leader 36

    formerly a branch Superintendent Joined J.S. 1903, Retired 1947 I VIVIDLY recall the day Mr. John engaged my services, under the arch at 13-15 Stamford Street before Stamford House was built, when after a perusal of my form...

  • In Memoriam 39

    ON Tuesday, June 5th, 1956, a memorial service for John Benjamin Sainsbury was held at Southwark Cathedral. The Provost of Southwark, The Very Reverend H. E. Ashdown, officiated, assisted by The Precentor, The Venerable L. A....