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Radio advertisements for Homebase stores promoting bank holiday opening of Homebase stores. Tape produced by The Barge, London.

502_A_A Bank holiday open Colchester Avenue, Cardiff. ('Choice' advertisement)
502_A_B Cardiff. Bank holiday open. ('Help' advertisement)
502_A_C Cardiff. ('Service' advertisement)
502_A_D Westgate Island, Gloucester. ('Choice')
502_A_E Gloucester. ('Help')
502_A_F Gloucester. ('Service')
502_A_G Castle Boulevard, Nottingham ('Choice')
502_A_H Castle Boulevard, Nottingham ('Choice')
502_A_I Castle Boulevard, Nottingham ('Service')
502_A_J Moor Allerton Centre, Leeds ('Choice')
502_A_K Moor Allerton Centre, Leeds ('Help')
502_A_L Moor Allerton Centre, Leeds ('Service')