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Photocopied press cuttings and broadcast summaries related to the 'Mardi Gra' (sic) bomber (from the earliest threat to Sainsbury's in Summer 1996 to his conviction in April 1999) and summaries of press coverage produced from these by Sainsbury's.

Includes general material on bombs e.g. a booklet issued by the Home Office, 'Bombs : protecting people and property' and action plans developed by Sainsbury's press office to be set in action should a bomb go off in or near a store, for example prepared press statements and sets of possible press questions and the answers to be given to them.

Also includes Metropolitan Police Press releases, notes and minutes from meetings between Sainsbury's senior staff and the police and correspondence and paperwork relating to the outcomes of these meetings.

The file contains a photocopy of a letter sent by the bomber to Sainsbury's and an invitation to the Chief Police Officers Dinner.

The file also contains general photocopied press cuttings on subjects such as reward cards, the business cards of staff at other companies at risk from the 'Mardi Gra' (sic) bomber. A copy of 'Exchange and Mart'.