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Television commercial (40 seconds) promoting the Sainsbury's Fresh Creations range of 'fresh, restaurant-quality meals that are ready in under ten minutes' (as described in JS Journal March 1999). The range was initially trialled in selected stores - 31 in the Granada (North West) television region and 28 stores in the rest of the country, and localized television commercials were created for the Granada region. The range was discontinued in 2000.

The advertisement features comedian John Cleese. He is in a mock cookery television programme with 'Pierre' and 'Jill' being asked to cook a gourmet meal in under 10 minutes. Pierre prepares a meal from scratch and Jill prepares a meal with a Fresh Creations meal kit. Jill calmly produces a lovely meal, but Pierre fails to complete his meal on time. Endline "Sainsbury's Fresh Creations. Incredible meals, incredibly quick".