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Television commercial (30 seconds) promoting the Sainsbury's Discount '79 price promotion.

The commercial on the theme of 'Everyone's talking about Sainsbury's' shows a series of four very brief comedic sketches or vignettes on this theme of people talking about the promotion (some of these were also used in the Discount '78 campaign). The announcer and a graphic then show details of a discounted product.

1. Two men eating beans by campfire (one dressed as a Native American chief) - Heinz Baked Beans 12½p.
2. Two women talking at a party - Dutch Edam 58p per lb.
3. Inuit man in igloo - 10 Cod Fish Fingers 39p.
4. Ship officers and passengers in lifeboat - Heinz Cream of Tomato Soup 15½p.

(Advertising agency or production company?) reference VTR/JS/30/28.