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  • Three Branches in Kent 02

    Round the Branches
    in Kent
    Folkestone is one of Britain's busy
    gateways to the continent. Here the road
    signs appear in three languages, the
    quaysides are always ready to
    welcome the traveller (anything...

  • The Oxford Farming Conference 09

    The Oxford Farming Conference
    At the 1961 Conference the firm opened discussion on selling and presentation
    One of the refrigerated cabinets fitted up at the conference. Each year a Farming Conference is held under the

  • A Computer for J.S. 10

    A Computer
    for J.S.
    Early in the summer an Emidec 1100 computer
    will be installed at Stamford House. It will cope
    with the growing amount of office routine and
    calculation which has resulted from the continued
    expansion of...

  • Boat Race at Obelisk House 12

    Boat Race at Obelisk House
    A Lewisham memory by Peggy Martyn Clark Time has a way of robbing places of their character.
    Buildings alter, roads widen, and where once was
    unhurried living, swift moving traffic takes over.

  • Dinners, Dances and Socials 13

    Norwich held a
    very cheerful dinner
    and dance at the
    Norwich Federation
    of Industries Club
    on January 18th,
    1961. Parties of
    members and
    friends from both
    J.S. branches in
    the town enjoyed a
    very pleasant...

  • Clothes for the Working Girl 17

    Women have not always been well treated by
    industry. Makeshift and graceless garments
    were often an illustration of this lamentable
    fact. Today industry is changing its ideas
    about what the working girl should wear. The

  • Visitors Conference 23

    Visitors Conference
    On February 14th the J.S. Veterans Group called the first annual meeting of the Visitors Panel Back Row: Mr. A.J. Curtis, Mr. R. H. Hopker, Mr. A. E. Snow, Mr. E.J. Harvey,
    Mr. G. H. Giblin, Mr. H. A....

  • Well Worth a Visit 24

    Well worth a visit The Ceylon Tea
    Centre in Lower Regent
    Street is the subject of this
    article. Founded in 1946,
    ithas since become one of
    London's established
    institutions. London has many "centres." Quite apart from...

  • Food maketh man 26

    Food maketh man
    Dr. E. S. Krudy, D.Sc., M.R.C.V.S., of J.S. laboratory writes about our diet Food is an eternal problem for all forms of life and
    obviously there is nothing more important to man
    than what and how he eats....

  • Movements and Promotions 27

    Movements and Promotions
    To Assistant Manager
    R. OLLEY Woodford
    Assistant Managers
    F. H. ALLEN from Harold Hill to
    F. J. BUTLER
    P. F. CROSS
    Collier Row
    from 55 Brighton to
    59 Hove

  • Obituaries 27

    We regret to record the death of the following colleagues
    and send our deepest sympathy to their relatives.
    J. Farmer, who started with the firm in November
    1913 as a butcher. His first few years were spent...

  • Retirement 27

    F. J. Tyler, who joined the firm
    as a porter in 1940 at Wood Green.
    In 1954 he was transferred for a
    period of five years to 7 Palmers
    Green, but returned to his first
    branch from which he retired on

  • This Years Dahlias 27

    Postscript and Warning about
    T H I S Y E A R ' S D A H L I A S
    To judge from my own experience and as a result of
    enquiries made, it appears that the excessive rains and
    general lack of sunshine in 1960 had an adverse effect...

  • Contents Page 28

    SERIES No. A 78
    Pge 2
    Three Branches in Kent
    Page 9
    The Oxford Farming Conference
    Page 10
    A Computer for J.S.
    Page 12
    Boat Race at Obelisk House
    Page 13
    Dinners, Dances and Socials
    Page 17
    Clothes for the Working Girl
    Page 23...