JS Journal - 2014
- Ref. No: SA/SC/JSJ/68
- Format: Publication
- Date: 2014
- Level: SubSeries
- Extent: 1 box
- Access: Open

February 2014 issue of the Sainsbury staff magazine, 'Journal'. Articles include: Sainsbury's Bank (p.3) Active Kids (p.3) Make Your Roast Go...

March 2014 issue of the Sainsbury staff magazine, 'Journal'. Articles include: Mike Coupe interview (p.3) Competition winner meets Paralympic GB...

April 2014 issue of the Sainsbury staff magazine, 'Journal'. Articles include: Simon Twigger interview (p.3) 'We've Got Talent' stars; goal to become...

May 2014 issue of the Sainsbury staff magazine, 'Journal'. Articles include: 145th Birthday: A Great Place Where People Love to Work and Shop...

June 2014 issue of the Sainsbury staff magazine, 'Journal'. Articles include: Things You Need to Know (p.4) The Big Journal Feature: 'Come dine with...

July-August 2014 issue of the Sainsbury staff magazine, 'Journal'. Articles include: Things You Need to Know (p.4) The Big Journal Feature: 'Message...

September 2014 issue of the Sainsbury staff magazine, 'Journal'. Articles include: Things You Need to Know (p.4) The Big Journal Feature: 'Happy...

October 2014 issue of Sainsbury's staff journal. 'Conference special'. Articles include: '60 seconds: Meet the board' insert with introductions to...

November 2014 issue of the Journal. Articles include: 'Best in Town and Best in Street' (p.3) Carers rights; recycling (Forest Stewardship Council...

December 2014/ January 2015 issue of the Sainsbury's staff Journal. Articles include: Christmas Charities checklist; Christmas card recycling; Yammer...
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