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Audio recording of radio programme discussing the history of Green Shield Stamps (the largest of the trading stamps schemes). Includes comments from Sir J.D. Sainsbury about the company's campaign against the stamps.

Summary of content (summary is incomplete, covers only part of the programme):
North London, Edgware. Green Shield Stamps. Customers recalling what they got for their Green Shield Stamps. Richard Tompkins. Promise of something for nothing. Tony Heap Green Shield Merchandise Director. Catalogue. Sava Books Ford Car. Redemption Centre. Stamp wars 1960s Leicester Tesco. Roy Pearcy Green Shield Public Relations. Hanson Bathroom Scales Co. ..... [22:00] Interview with Lord Sainsbury of Preston Candover. Convenience stores. Demise of Green Shield Stamps, finished in 1980. Relaunch of Green Shield Stamps in 1987 but lasted for only three years.