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Television commercial (30 seconds) promoting summer food at Sainsbury's and the "Summer at Sainsbury's" booklet available free from stores.

The commercial depicts a group of four friends staying in a rural cottage, bored sitting indoors as it is raining. One of the group has been shopping at Sainsbury's and has the "Summer at Sainsbury's" booklet. She prepares the seared tuna nicoise recipe in the booklet, with a salad and strawberries which they enjoy.

The advertisement appears to relate to the 1999 version of the "Summer at Sainsbury's" booklet (see SA/MARK/ADV/3/1/4/2/3/14) which includes the tuna nicoise recipe. The design of the booklet depicted in the commercial is a bit different - this was probably a specially produced mock-up of the booklet with larger text that was easier to see on television.