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Press release marking Fairtrade Fortnight 2007 with facts about 13 years of Sainsbury's Fairtrade. Includes facts, case studies and anecdotes from suppliers about products including: bananas (Windward Isles, St Lucia); Kenyan roses; chocolate (Ghana, Kuapa); coffee (Colombia). Also notes that in 2006, Sainsbury's made the UK's biggest single-ever order of Fairtrade cotton, to produce Fairtrade cotton Sport Relief t-shorts, and notes that Sainsbury's will launch its own range of Fairtrade cotton clothing.

Includes timeline of Sainsbury's Fairtrade activity (including Green & Blacks; Geobars; orange juice; tea; coffee; chocolate; bananas; sugar sticks). Also includes statistics from market research of Sainsbury's Fairtrade shoppers.