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Table of content

  • Contents Page 02

    B 94
    Page 2
    The Bradley Brothers
    Page 8
    Visiting Veterans in East Anglia
    Page 10
    There's an Ant in My Kitchen
    Page 12
    J.S. Egg Group Meets
    Page 14
    New Branch at Bedford
    Page 20
    A Nosh with the Posh
    Page 24
    J.S. Buyers

  • The Bradley Brothers 02

    The Bradley Brothers
    Ourfocus on suppliers this month is,
    appropriately, on the Bradley Brothers who,
    since the late forties, have built up a turkey
    breeding and raising farm in Hampshire
    from which comes a very large slice...

  • Visiting Veterans in East Anglia 08

    Visiting J.S. Veterans in East Anglia A report of a week-end trip by Mr. E. J. Harvey of the J.S. Veteran Visiting Panel We had in a report the other day from Mr. E. J.
    Harvey, who is on the J.S. Veteran Visiting Panel,

  • There's an Ant in My Kitchen 10

    There's an Ant in My Kitchen
    Do you worry about survival in a crowded world ?
    J. L. Woods does, and fights against its insect hordes. Once in a while we have a thing about things in our
    house. Sometimes it's leaky taps when...

  • J.S. Egg Group Meets 12

    Egg Producers Confer
    The Sainsbury Egg Group holds
    its first conference To review the past year's trading and production
    and to hear plans for future development, members
    of the Sainsbury Egg Group met on October 24th
    at the...

  • New Branch at Bedford 14

    New Branch at Bedford On October 16th the firm opened a big new self-service branch
    at Bedford, replacing the former counter service shop which
    had been trading since 1923. The new branch is over 9,000
    square feet and a very...

  • A Nosh with the Posh 20

    London's last Lord Mayor, according to the "Today's
    Arrangements" column of The Times, took part in
    the course of his year of office, in "86 luncheons,
    155 dinners, nine banquets, 38 receptions." The
    list doesn't include...

  • J.S. Buyers 24

    J.S. Buyers
    Four more of the
    J.S. people who
    buy the commodities
    which the firm
    sells or uses.
    Miss E. D. Boxall has
    been with J.S. for 33 years.
    She started behind the counter
    at Weybridge—"where we
    had the wines and...

  • Making Sweets for Sainsbury's 26

    Making Sweets for Sainsbury's
    A visit to the Clapham factory of Batger and Co., an old family business The firm of Batger and Co., where we took these
    pictures of sweet manufacture, is, like our own,
    a family business. Though...

  • Lewisham Expanding 30

    Our one-time largest branch is going
    to recover its position as largest
    branch in the firm (and probably
    largest food shop in Britain) when
    extensions now in hand are
    completed. Top picture shows
    excavation for the...

  • Prizes at Bristol and Ashford 31

    Bristol Experts on the right of picture below are weighing a gruyere cheese.
    Mr. Harrison, manager, and assistant Mr. Rand keep watch. The
    operation is to decide the winner of a car in last month's guessing
    competition. The...

  • Socials 32

    Motor Cycle
    and Car Club
    to Member
    At the S.S.A. Motor Cycle and Car Club dance held on November 10th
    at Dulzvich Clubhouse members and friends saw Mr. C. Weller of
    Union Street Engineers receive the Road...

  • Weddings 33

    ToJ.S. People on this page, our sincere congratulations.
    Top left, ~Aiss Joyce Neale and Mr. Alan Heath, both of
    Nottingham branch, married at St. Cyprians on August 25th.
    Lower left, Miss Josephine Conway of...

  • Marriages 34

    (Between members ofJ.S. Staff)
    Congratulations to the following members of the Staff
    who have recently been married.
    M i s s J. Conway of 189 Kensington High Street and
    Mr. P. A. Batchelour of Feltham, who...

  • Movements and Promotions 34

    Movements and Promotions
    H. KNELL
    J . G. MORRIS
    F. P . ROWELL
    L. T. BAXTER
    J . BUSH
    from Spare at Forest Gate
    to Cowley
    from Spare in self-service
    training to Bedford

  • Obituaries 35

    We regret to record the death of the following colleagues
    and send our deepest sympathy to their relatives.
    R. A. K i n c h e n died on September 15th, 1962. He
    was a porter at our branch at 62 Mount Pleasant...

  • Retirements 35

    We send our best wishes to the following colleagues who
    have just retired.
    H. B l o w s started with the firm in 1945 at 259 Cranbrook
    Road, Ilford, as a porter. He was subsequently
    transferred to Dagenham, from...