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Audio recordings of interview of Prue (surname not known) and Mal [Cole] [Sainsbury's press office]. Interviewed by [Bridget Williams (Sainsbury's Archives)]. It appears likely that this interview was carried out as part of the research for 'The Best Butter in the World: A History of Sainsbury's' but this has not been confirmed.

Summary of content (summary appears to be incomplete, and covers only part of side B):
142_A: Development of "What to do in a serious incident" manual. Cornish butter and mercury incident. No threats delivered but source not identified. Product recall. Blackmail. Glass in products special incident room. Development of customer services and complaints. Changes in public perception of food industry. Food health scares salmonella and listeria. Food Commission. Food Advisory Centre. Food Safety Act. Edwina Curry. Large scale production. Pesticides. Factory farming methods.

142_B: Organic farming. Edwina Curry Newsnight. Talking about documents. Irradiation. Richard Lacey. .... Sainsbury family and Sainsbury brand.